Hi everyone,
Just a few reminders of the CSA rules and regulations before the season starts.
By becoming a member of Millburn-Short Hills CSA, you assume the risks and reap the rewards of being a member of a community supported agriculture group. Please recognize that there is no guarantee of the exact amount of produce to be received each week.
Pick up hours: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Day: Friday
Pick up location: Wells Fargo parking lot in Millburn at the corner of Essex and Spring Streets behind Bhakti Barn Yoga
Rules and Regs
(1) You will only pick up during the designated CSA hours of 12 PM and 3 PM.
(3) You will bring your own bags. The farmers will not provide bags or boxes for you to carry your shares.
(4) You will get only exactly what is listed in shares. There are no substitutions. The farmer only provides us enough produce for the allotted shares.
(5) You will take pasta and eggs ONLY if you have purchased those shares.
(6) If you split a share(s), you will divide after you leave. Do not leave your partner’s half for them to pick up.
(7) You will sign in.
(8) You will volunteer for possible for site shifts if needed. (Currently no volunteers are needed)
I hope everyone enjoys this year's CSA. If you have any questions, comments or issue please let me know. You can email me at millburnshorthillscsa at gmail.com.
Also, if you have any recipes or information you want to share with the group, let me know. We can post on the site.
I look forward to seeing everyone this Friday.