Dear 2013 Millburn-Short Hills CSA Members,
I would like to welcome you all to the CSA. This year marks our sixth season. We started out in 2008 in my garage with only 27 members and offering only a vegetable share. Today the CSA has grown to 85 members, and fruit, eggs, and pasta shares! What an amazing and wonderful development for us all.
So while we all get ready for the produce to start next week, I would like to welcome two new additions to the CSA.
In February, I gave a talk about "Why what you eat matters" to students at Montclair State University. Most of the students were studying nutrition and were extremely interested in the CSA and helping out when the season started.
Well, I am really excited to introduce you to two of these fabulous college students who will be helping out this year with the CSA.
I've asked these two women to introduce themselves to you, so here they are:
My name's Amanda and I am going to be volunteering for the CSA this summer by distributing the food the farmer's drop off. I am currently studying nutrition and dietetics at Montclair University. I love to cook nutritious and delicious meals. I am super excited to take part in the CSA. I think it is extremely important to purchase food from local and organic farmers. I try to as much as I can. I am just thrilled that I have the opportunity to be around such fresh fruits and vegetables. I am looking forward to meeting everyone. See you all soon.
My name is Courtney. I'm from Spotswood, NJ. I'm a Junior at Montclair State University studying Nutrition and Food Science. I'm an avid runner and have also been a vegetarian for almost 6 years. I'm really excited to be working with Melissa and Amanda at the CSA this year because I think it will be a very interesting and a good learning experience for me. I also believe that this will be a lot of fun for me. I'm very excited to meet everyone!
Amanda and Courtney will at the pick up location each week throughout the summer. They will be in charge of signing in members, sorting shares and distributing them to you. In addition, they will be updating the website with recipes and information on produce. Please say hello at pick up!
Countdown begins -- CSA starts in less than 10 days!
Hope everyone is looking forward to a bountiful season.