The 2015 season opens on Friday, June 12.
We are all volunteers. Our goal is to get everything running smoothly and everyone in and out as quickly as possible. To make this happen we are asking for your cooperation in following a few simple guidelines:
Pick Up:
- Pick up is every Friday from 12 PM - 3 PM.
- Do NOT arrive early to pick up your shares. Pick up starts at 12:00PM and we won't be ready for you before then. If you are in a hurry we suggest not arriving right at opening because there is usually a line.
- Do NOT arrive at 3:01 PM expecting to get your share. If you know you are going to arrive after 3 PM, please email us at and we will try our best to make arrangements for you to get it.
- SIGN IN. To facilitate and ease check in, this season each member/group will be assigned a membership number. At the first pick up, all members will be given a “key tag” for your key ring with your membership number on it. Check in will be by number not by name.
- Please bring bags to carry all your produce. We do not provide bags. You will most likely need more than one bag, especially as the season grows more bountiful. We suggest storing a bunch of bags in your car so you will have them when needed.
- For the safety of members and others using the parking lot, park in designated parking spots only. Do not pull into the lot and block the flow of traffic or stack cars in parking spots. There are additional parking spots in the lot next door or metered spots on the street.
Volunteer Shifts:
- Please DO try to arrive 5 minutes ahead of your shift when volunteering, so you have some time to settle in and start on time.
- If for some reason you are not able to make your volunteer shift, please do your best to find a replacement, but let us know either way. If you have an emergency, please let us know at your earliest convenience at
- If you have not done so, sign up for your volunteer shift. Farm & Fork Society membership rules state all members must volunteer.
If You Cannot Pick Up:
- A friend or relative can pick up your share for you, however it is extremely important that they know all the rules and regulations (i.e. parking, pick-up times, check-in procedures)
- They must know your membership number and all shares you get (e.g. veg, fruit, poultry, egg etc.).
- They must bring bags.
It is extremely important that you subscribe to our website (instructions below). All your weekly share contents will be posted on the site. We do not want to clutter up your inboxes, so you will not receive any other emails from us during the season unless it is a shift confirmation, last minute change or piece of other pressing information. If you follow the site by email, then you will automatically get an email update on the posted information.
If you have not done so yet, please go to our website and submit your email address in the space provided on the left hand side of the site; “FOLLOW BY EMAIL.” You will then get a window, which will read “Email Subscription Request.” Follow the instructions on the request. You will receive a verification message in your email. You must respond to the verification message to activate your subscription to the “Farm & Fork Society.”
In addition, please follow the Farm & Fork Society’s Facebook page as updates and important information will be posted there as well, and is often more timely for some folks.
We look forward to a great season! If you have any questions, please let us know.
All the best,
Melissa, Wendy & Nino
P.S. We have partnered with Green Nectar Juicery in Millburn to offer all members a 10% discount for the entire season (6/12-11/21). The back of key tag is your discount card. Show it at the time of purchase.