Opening day is just over one month away! There is still time to join the 2017 season. Deadline to become a member has been extended to May 15.
Click here to go to our "How to Join" page on our website which will tell you everything you need to know to sign up.
If you have already signed up, thank you. Our famers appreciate your early support that allows them to continue their farm operations and provide you with the freshest and healthiest produce.
Full details on shares offered and prices can be found on our website, however, below are some important changes for the 2017 season.
-- Pick up is WEDNESDAY
-- Two different sizes of Vegetable Shares (Basic & Premium)
-- Poultry will be 100% organic, starts in August
***If you need to set up a payment plan, let us know. We will be happy to work with you. Any funds the farmers get in advance is a HUGE help to them.
If you cannot join us this year, please consider donating to our fundraiser Generation Zero: Working to Reduce Hunger in NJ. All money raised goes to purchase fresh produce from our farmers to donate to 3 local food pantries. With online fundraising, member donations and sponsorship by Investors Bank, we have already raised over $6,000! Our goal is to raise $15,000 so we can purchase 15 vegetable and 15 fruit shares. To donate go to