Monday, August 28, 2017

Letter from John Krueger (Week 13)

Hi Folks, 

So I have some good news and some bad news; which would you like first? The bad news you say; well it seems we will have a short melon season. The rain was just too much for these delicate plants - the first planting did not produce a second crop and the second planting is probably not going to produce much of anything. The watermelons are a little hardier and we will be trying to get some to all groups that have not yet received any, over the next 3 weeks or so. The good news is that we are back in lettuce harvest mode, and should have it in the shares for most of the rest of the season. We are also beginning to pick from the second planting of beans, so beans should be abundant for the next month.

We have reached the midpoint of the season, having completed 12 weeks of deliveries. AS we move into the back 12 (that’s like the back 40 in farmer talk or the back nine if you are playing that game with 18 holes) we will be returning gradually to the cool weather crops. We will begin to have more greens and we will soon have broccoli, Napa cabbage and kohlrabi again. We also have sweet potatoes, parsnips and winter squash to look forward to. We are also waiting on a large planting of Silverqueen sweet corn to mature, so there may be a few ears for you this week and if not than likely the next. Please be aware that some may have a worm at the tip (that’s how you know it’s organic right? Lol).

The share for this week will be: Lettuce, beans, peppers (more ripe, colored ones now!), eggplant, tomatoes, rainbow carrots, red skin potatoes, summer squash, yellow onions and garlic. Maybe watermelon and perhaps sweet corn. Premium shares will have choice of an herb and cherry tomatoes. 

Farmer John