Hi All,
It’s been a challenging year for all of us. Early on in the pandemic I decided that we should plant and grow as much as possible. While the status of the markets and CSA membership was uncertain, I believed that local food production was more important than ever. With unemployment soaring there would be tremendous demand on food banks and pantries which serve the less fortunate among us. If we were unable to sell it we would donate it. Once I was able to get most of my workers in place we forged ahead with our planting. We have a good potato and sweet potato crop and a tremendous crop of winter squash and pumpkins. Unfortunately, I was never able to bring my four Nicaraguan workers up and we are struggling to harvest these crops.
I have been contacted by a few folks offering help and by some interested in visiting the farm. We were unable to host our usual early summer farm visit this season. I know there are many who would like to lend a hand and many more who wish to visit the farm.
For the next 3 weeks, we will host volunteer workdays on Sunday @ 10 AM and 2 PM and a farm tour @ 1 PM. Tasks for volunteers will be gathering winter squash, picking beans or possibly help with the potato harvest. We hope you can work for two or three hours and enjoy a short farm tour before or after your volunteer shift. We can accommodate quite a few volunteers while maintaining social distancing, since the field are large and there are various tasks.
I have been contacted by a few folks offering help and by some interested in visiting the farm. We were unable to host our usual early summer farm visit this season. I know there are many who would like to lend a hand and many more who wish to visit the farm.
For the next 3 weeks, we will host volunteer workdays on Sunday @ 10 AM and 2 PM and a farm tour @ 1 PM. Tasks for volunteers will be gathering winter squash, picking beans or possibly help with the potato harvest. We hope you can work for two or three hours and enjoy a short farm tour before or after your volunteer shift. We can accommodate quite a few volunteers while maintaining social distancing, since the field are large and there are various tasks.
For the farm tours, we will need to limit the numbers a bit. Please RSVP to me – kruegerjohn@earthlink.net and indicate the time and date you would like to come and whether it will be to volunteer, for the tour or both. If necessary or preferred, I can add a farm tour at 9 AM.
Sundays, October 11th, 18th, and 25th
Volunteer- 10 AM and 2 PM Farm Tour @ 1 PM
Take home a pumpkin or some extra winter squash of your choice!
Sundays, October 11th, 18th, and 25th
Volunteer- 10 AM and 2 PM Farm Tour @ 1 PM
Take home a pumpkin or some extra winter squash of your choice!