Monday, November 18, 2013

Letter from John Krueger

Hello Everyone. 
We have arrived at the week that perhaps you all have been dreading - the last delivery of the season. I have been getting feedback from many of you on what a great season it has been.  I am gratified by your kind words and support. I am quite satisfied and content with the produce we have been able to provide to you this year. I like to think that I improve as a farmer with each passing year and I know that those of you who have been members for many years will almost certainly concur.  I always worry after a good year that we won’t be able to match it the following season, but so far that hasn’t been a problem.  With all the frigid weather we’ve had over the past few weeks I have been worried about what we would have for the final delivery, but those fears as well appear to have been groundless. We farmers do a lot of worrying; it just comes with the territory I guess; an occupational hazard you might say.  The only real disappointment I feel with the final share is with the Brussels sprouts. They are always a bit difficult and slow to mature, but each year I try to plant more and earlier. Unfortunately we still won’t have large quantities for the final distribution. Sorry!
A few of you have still not received your giant head of Napa cabbage and a few other groups have not gotten a red cabbage this fall. We will rectify that this week. For the rest we hope to have broccoli or cauliflower. We don’t have much kale left but we do have a lot of collards. We will send these items as extras this week.
I am still waiting for a closing to be scheduled for the farm purchase, so I have no real news to report on that front. I am hoping to close on the 25th or 26th.  I will write one final update next week so I can keep you informed of the status. 
The share for this week will be: Lettuce, sweet potatoes, broccoli or cauliflower or red cabbage or Napa cabbage, delicata squash, red or purple top turnips, kohlrabi, rainbow carrots, choice of escarole, endive or radicchio, celery root, white potatoes, choice of spinach or tatsoi or arugula, a few Brussels sprouts and choice of cilantro or dill.       
Farmer John