The Farm & Fork Society is now offering beef and pork sampler packs from River Bend Farm in Peapack, NJ. This offering is available to anyone interested and not exclusively to Farm & Fork Society members.
The Angus Beef Sampler will include 40 pounds of beef: 1/3 steaks that may consist of Rib-eye, T-Bone, Porterhouse, Sirlion, Tenderloin and Ranch (Chuck), 1/3 Roasts that may consist of Chuck, Rump, Round, & London Broil and 1/3 Ground Beef. ($325)
The Berkshire Pork Sampler will include 35 pounds of pork that may consist of ham, ham steaks, chops, spare-ribs, bacon, 3 kinds of sausages and a pork shoulder. ($225)
River Bend Farm is dedicated to producing healthy, all natural meats. The All-Natural Angus Beef is pasture raised and of superior quality. The animals are raised humanely, with no antibiotics or hormones. The cattle receive a small amount of grain while on pasture to achieve the desirable amount of marbling and tenderness, and in the winter they are fed home-grown grass hay.
Fresh from pasture to plate, River Bend Farm beef and pork provides a healthy and delicious eating experience. River Bend Farm beef and pork is featured at many fine local restaurants including Ninety Acres and Kings Supermarkets. Please visit for more information.
River Bend Farm is run by Corné Vogelaar. Vogerlaar was born and raised in the Netherlands. His family came to America in 1988, and after earning his degree in Animal Agriculture from Cook College in 1996, Corné became the manager of River Bend Farm in Peapack, NJ. River Bend Farm dates back to the late 1800's, and Angus cattle have grazed these hills since the 1950's. Today River Bend Farm’s 340 acres of pasture and hayground are home to 200 head of Angus and 80 Berkshire pigs. Corné and his family also keep 500 laying hens and raise pastured chickens.
Click here to download the River Bend Farm meat share order form. Orders must be received by June 1st. Sampler Packs will be delivered frozen and kept cool in a refrigerated truck for pick up on July 2nd at our downtown Millburn location.
Other Farm & Fork Society News:
To accommodate the 4th of July holiday weekend, our regular Farm & Fork Society delivery will take place on Wednesday, July 2nd.
Starbrite Farm visit is June 7th with a rain date on June 8th. Email us if you are planning on attending. Details can be found on the schedule of events. Click here to read.