Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Letter from John Krueger

Hello Everyone, 

This week marks the beginning of the second half of the season (time flies when you’re eating well!). 

We still have three more weeks of summer officially and we hope for at least a few more of warm, frost free weather. We are also hoping for some (but not too much) rain as we have slipped back into a dry weather pattern. Our early planting of tomatoes have mostly succumbed to disease but we have second and third plantings that will continue to produce for a while yet. Peppers and eggplant will continue for at least another 6 weeks. Unfortunately the second and third planting of summer squash have not fared so well so we will probably not have much zucchini for you until a fourth planting begins to produce in a few weeks. We do have another planting of cucumbers beginning to come in, so we hope to have some cukes for you in the coming weeks. As we head into the fall we will be returning to more greens and more of the cool weather crops- specifically broccoli, kale and cauliflower, but also cool weather root crops such as radishes, parsnips, salad turnip sand sweeter carrots. We will have lettuce consistently for the rest of the season. The winter squash crop looks great (so far) as does the sweet potato planting so we have these to look forward to. We have had problems with our ground cherry crop this season and don’t have many but we will try to send a few as a choice with the cherry tomatoes. I know that there are some of you that really enjoy them- so pick up early so as to not miss out. The melon crop is about done but watermelons are still coming in and the early plantings are fruiting heavily again, so we hope to be able to distribute one more round of these juicy treats over the next few weeks.

The share for this week will be: Peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, red skin potatoes, choice of cherry tomatoes or ground cherries, white onions, garlic, beans, lettuce, choice of kale or chard, green cabbage, carrots and choice of an herb (mint, savory or marjoram). There will be some arugula as an extra (for those who don’t mind it’s Swiss cheese appearance).

Farm John