Saturday, June 24th, 11:00 AM (Raindate, Sunday, June 25th)
This will be a potluck picnic, please bring a vegetarian dish to share with others. Grills will be available for anything you wish to bring to cook. There will be tours of the fields at 11:30 am and 2 pm. There is a u-pick strawberry farm just north on Rt. 206 if anyone would like pick strawberries for themselves before or after the event. Volunteers are welcome to help with set up, parking and to pick strawberries for a shortcake desert. A state park, Kittatinny Valley, is nearby with wonderful trails and camp sites available. This year we are also asking for volunteers to help pick peas for an hour or two prior to the start of the farm visit picnic.
Volunteer Days
Many people would like to come out to lend a hand at Circle Brook Farm and John certainly can use the help. On Sundays during the delivery season he has his volunteer days. These will be to help with harvesting labor intensive crops like peas, beans, garlic and onions. Volunteering at the farm fulfills your Farm & Fork Society volunteer requirement. Please email us at volunteerffs@gmail.com if you plan on attending one of these days so we can track and also email John at kruegerjohn@earthlink.net so he knows you are coming.
Volunteer days: Meet at 141 Brighton Rd., Andover, NJ
Saturday, June 24 @ 9am and Sunday, June 25 @ 9 am - Help with pea picking.
Sunday, July 2 @ 10 am – Help with pea picking
Sunday, July 9, 10 am - Help with the garlic harvest.
Sunday, July 23 @10 am - Help with bean picking.
Sunday, August 7, 10 am - Help with onion harvest