Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Letter from John Krueger (Week 3)

Hello Everyone!

I remember the first time I tasted fresh peas; it was something of a revelation to me. Raised on canned veggies, peas were something I particularly detested and I shoveled them on to my sister plate when she wasn’t looking. Walking in a friend’s garden we pulled some from the vine opened the pods and popped them in our mouths. Wow! I had never tasted anything (or at least any vegetable) so sweet and delicious. It was an epiphany-my pea epiphany. Now when I chat with members many have told me that their peas never make it back to the house- their children devour them on the ride home. Lucky kids! It’s a shame the pea season is so short, but for now we have quite an abundance (a pea preponderance). The English, or shell peas convert their sugars to starch very quickly so use them as soon as possible. If you do not eat them raw, steam or sauté them very lightly. The sugarsnap peas hold their sweetness much longer.

It’s a wonderful share this week- we still have lots of beautiful greens and we have begun picking summer squash. We also have baby beets and elephant garlic for you. Elephant garlic is not a true garlic- it is more closely related to a leek. The bulb has a mild garlic flavor and can be used in dishes just like the regular stuff or roasted (whole in it’s wrapper) to make a spread. Since we harvest them green the stalk can be used as you would use a leek.

Don’t forget about the Farm visit this weekend. We may have a passing shower or two but hey, it’s summer in the Northeast! There will be places to shelter from the storm. We are also asking for volunteers to help with the pea picking (9 AM-ish) before the visit begins at 11 AM. There will be other opportunities throughout the season to come out and lend a hand and to show you family where their food comes from.

The share for this week will be: Spinach, arugula, peas, lettuce, bok choy, baby beets, elephant garlic, zucchini and choice of an herb (cilantro, dill, chervil). Premium shares will have escarole, a second head of lettuce and extra peas and zucchini


Farmer John

NOTE FROM FFS VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR:  If you have not signed up for your volunteer requirement, help John harvest peas this weekend.  This will qualify for your requirement volunteer shift and then you stay for the farm visit which includes a tour of the farm and pot luck lunch.  If you are interested, email us at volunteerffs@gmail.com for more details.