Monday, July 17, 2017

Letter from John Krueger (Week 7)

Hello Everyone, 

So it continues to rain and I continue to worry; it’s an occupational hazard I guess… We got 2 inches last week and thunderstorms are rolling through as I sit down to write. I was about to head out and plant some seeds, having waited for it to cool down a bit. The rain was not really forecast until about an hour before it arrived and by the time I got to the barn where my seeding tractor is kept, the wind was kicking up and the first drops began to fall. This is another aspect of the challenges of a wet season- finding windows of opportunity to get the planting done. When the ground is too wet it can’t be worked- plowed and tilled to prepare seed beds. If the beds are too wet the mechanical seeded does not function properly. Once the beds dry the surface crusts over and they must be tilled again before planting. In Mid-May I put in a small planting of beans with the intention of planting a much larger patch a few weeks later. Unfortunately six weeks went by before I was able to plant more. The peas have petered out now and we normally have beans to replace them. We expect to have small quantities to give in rotation over the next few weeks, but it will be awhile before the beans are bountiful.

That being said we have a wonderful share for you this week! I honestly don’t know how it could get much better, at least until the tomatoes and melons arrive. Rainbow carrots and fingerling potatoes! Broccoli and Cauliflower! Whoo-hoo!

The share for this week will be: Rose Finn Apple fingerlings potatoes, green peppers, rainbow carrots, eggplant, summer squash, cucumbers, lettuce, yellow onions, kale, broccoli and cauliflower (for those who did not receive it last week). Premium shares will get choice of a green radicchio or dandelion greens and choice of an herb.

Farmer John