So we finally got some rain and now it doesn’t want to stop. We are already at 3 inches with 2 more days of potentially substantial precipitation to come. My crew worked through periodic sprinkles punctuated by heavy downpours and a short burst of sunshine to get the harvesting done. I had hoped to get some seeds in the ground but now it’s much too wet and will be for at least a week. Nor is this good weather for the crops - both the melons and the tomatoes are susceptible to fungal diseases when it is this wet. But all we can do is stay calm and soldier on!
We have cauliflower starting to come in; some white, some purple and some yellow. We will be shipping it out to you as availability allows over the next few weeks. Broccoli continues to head up steadily if not prolifically and we will try to distribute it in lieu of the cauliflower. Beans are coming in heavy; it’s all we can do to get them picked especially given the challenging weather. I’m afraid that the peas are kaput. We also have some lovely fingerling potatoes for you- either French or a variety called Rose Finn Apple. The first tomatoes are ripening so there may be a few for next week’s share
The share for this week will be: Broccoli or cauliflower, lettuce, yellow onions, summer squash, cukes, choice of kale or chard, green peppers, beans (green or wax), eggplant, fingerlings, and beets. Premium shares will also receive purple daikon and choice of an herb. We will also send a few daikons as extras for basic share members as well as some tomatillos.
We have cauliflower starting to come in; some white, some purple and some yellow. We will be shipping it out to you as availability allows over the next few weeks. Broccoli continues to head up steadily if not prolifically and we will try to distribute it in lieu of the cauliflower. Beans are coming in heavy; it’s all we can do to get them picked especially given the challenging weather. I’m afraid that the peas are kaput. We also have some lovely fingerling potatoes for you- either French or a variety called Rose Finn Apple. The first tomatoes are ripening so there may be a few for next week’s share
The share for this week will be: Broccoli or cauliflower, lettuce, yellow onions, summer squash, cukes, choice of kale or chard, green peppers, beans (green or wax), eggplant, fingerlings, and beets. Premium shares will also receive purple daikon and choice of an herb. We will also send a few daikons as extras for basic share members as well as some tomatillos.
Farmer John