Monday, October 9, 2017

Letter from John Krueger (Week 18), Farm Events and Volunteer Days

Hello Folks, 
As I write we are receiving some much-needed rain; hurricane rain but without any damaging winds. This will be of great benefit to the greens and the fall brassicas which have been slowed down by the dearth of precipitation through most of September. We have some spinach that is sizing up and may be ready to begin harvesting next week. We also have a lot of broccoli planted which will be heading up through the rest of the season and cauliflower should be starting soon as well.

We will continue the winter squash with butternut this week followed by acorn and delicata in the weeks ahead. We have some nice beets for you this time around, with salad turnips for next week and plenty of carrots as we finish out the season. The sweet potatoes are still sizing up so we will hold off another week or two but I expect a good crop this season.

We will be offering several more chances to visit the farm this fall, beginning this Sunday with a volunteer day to help us bring in the rest of the winter squash crop. On October 21st and 22nd we will host a fall harvest event. Details below.

The share for this week will be: Butternut squash, peppers, beans, choice of arugula or mizuna (Asian mustard), lettuce, beets, choice of kale or chard, broccoli or kohlrabi, yellow onions, red skin potatoes and choice of cilantro or dill. Premium shares will receive eggplant and choice of radishes or daikon.

Farmer John

Circle Brook Farm 2017 Fall Event Schedule

Circle Brook Farm is hosting several more events at the farm this fall. These will all be opportunities to see the farm, help out a bit and to receive a pumpkin.

Harvest Festival - Saturday, October 21st, 11 am ‘til ? and Sunday October 22nd, 11 AM until 4 PM. Saturday will be the main event, with Sunday as a rain date or for anyone who cannot make it on Saturday. This will be similar to the spring event. It will be potluck for lunch, there will be grills available for cooking. Members can begin arriving after 10 am. John Krueger will give 2 farm tours - the first at 11:30 and the second at about 2 PM. If there is interest there will be pumpkin painting or carving for the kids. Also if there is interest he will build a fire at the back of the property and have a campfire sing-along. Bring your acoustic instruments and your voices. Bring your own food and beverages. John will provide apple cider. Take home a pumpkin

Volunteer Days 
Sunday, October 15th, 11 am 
Come out and help with the winter squash harvest and be rewarded with an ornamental or edible pumpkin.

Sunday, November 5th, 11 am
Come out and help prepare the garlic for planting. This will be done inside the barn, so it will be rain or shine. If there is interest and the weather permits John will be happy to show folks around the farm in the afternoon.

Please RSVP to John directly if you will be attending either of the volunteer days or would like to hang around for a campfire. Also anyone willing to come a little earlier for the farm visits and help out with parking or other logistics - your assistance would be welcome.

John looks forward to meeting many of the members in the coming weeks!

Directions to Circle Brook Farm: 141 Brighton Rd. Andover NJ 07821
Take I-80 West to Rt. 206 North. Follow 206 for about 8 miles. Just after passing a Shell station (the 2nd one) you will pass under a tunnel. The next left is High St., you will see a blue sign for County Route 606 and on the left a yellow sign for low bridge ahead. Turn left there, up a steep hill to a traffic light. Go through the light and follow Brighton St. for about 2 miles, it will turn into County 603 and you go down a hill and around a curve. Turn into the driveway at the 2nd and larger yellow house with a red barn on both sides of the street. If you miss the turn on High St. continue through the Borough of Andover and turn left on Brighton Rd, County 603 (Simon and Peters Sport Shop is on the corner). The farm will then be on the left in 1 ½ miles. Use the address above for navigation with your phone or GPS. If you use Circle Brook Farm it will take you to the wrong place!